NOW NY Organizes 'Nasty Women' Protest at Trump Tower


On Wednesday, October 26 from 12:30-1:30 p.m., NOW New York City will gather at Trump Tower at 725 Fifth Avenue to protest Donald Trump's treatment of women.

"Trump has called women pigs, slobs, dogs, fat, disgusting, bimbos, Miss Housekeeping, and nasty. The problem for Trump is that nasty women vote," write NOW NYC.

Today, NOW New York and its members and supporters will protest outside of Trump Tower to call on voters to reject Trump and those Republicans that continue to stand with him. Two weeks after organizing a protest across from the Trump International Hotel to repudiate Donald Trump for diminishing the seriousness of sexual assault and for his long record of woman-hating rhetoric, NOW New York is calling on Republican candidates across the state to unequivocally reject Trump.

In the last two weeks the public has seen leaked footage of Trump bragging about sexual assault, heard Miss Teen USA pageant contestants describe how Trump entered their dressing room while they were changing, and learned the stories of several women who were aggressively groped or kissed by Trump against their will and without consent.

NOW New York is asking why these Republicans have failed to reject Trump:

  • Congressman Lee Zeldin, 1st Congressional District, Suffolk County
  • State Senator Jack Martins, candidate for 3rd Congressional District, Suffolk County
  • Mr. John Faso, candidate for 19th Congressional District, Hudson Valley
  • Ms. Elaine Phillips, candidate for 7th State Senate District, Nassau County
  • State Senator Terrence Murphy, 40th State Senate District,Westchstr/Putnm/Dutchess
  • State Senator Sue Serino, 41st State Senate District, Dutchess/Putnam
  • Mr. Christopher Jacobs, candidate for 60th State Senate District

    NOW New York President Sonia Ossorio says, "It's long overdue that we call out those Republican lawmakers and candidates who are still with Donald Trump. With his litany of hateful rhetoric against women, Mexican people, immigrants, Muslims and others, the G.O.P. should have dumped Trump long ago."

    NOW NYC adds, "Women will decide this election, and we won't be complacent. Donald Trump may believe he can do whatever he wants and get away with it, but women voters will show him otherwise. We won't let him steal our future!"

    Voters are watching our local candidates to see if they will reject Trump and the misogyny and intolerance that he represents, or if they will continue to stand by him. We won't vote for candidates who won't reject Trump.

    This is our democracy. Donald Trump may think the presidential race is a reality show and that he can keep everyone "in suspense" about his response to the election outcome. We will show him that he cannot trump democracy.

    "The pressure is on for Republicans, because women are watching," said Ossorio. "Sexual assault and sexual harassment are issues that cross the political divide, and women want to know that their representatives will draw a line against the normalized sexual violence and virulent disrespect for women that Trump promotes."

    NOW New York advocates for the women and girls of New York City, by working to promote women's reproductive rights, secure women's economic empowerment, and end violence and discrimination against women.

    RSVP for the event here.

    For more information, visit

    by EDGE

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