APRI merges with Family Services

Joe Siegel READ TIME: 2 MIN.

AIDS Project Rhode Island and Family Services of Rhode Island announced plans to merge at a press conference held Friday, June 27 in the office of Providence Mayor David Cicilline.

The new, expanded program will be known as AIDS Project Rhode Island, a division of Family Service of Rhode Island.

"Bringing together these two organizations will only better serve the community at large," says Margaret Holland McDuff, CEO of Family Service.

McDuff cites a reduction in state funding for HIV/AIDS services, as well as a growing apathy among the gay community toward the epidemic.

"It's become forgotten," McDuff says.

Sue Johnson, board member of APRI, believes the merger was "a win-win situation for the both of us. It will not only strengthen both organizations, but the impact we can have on the community as well."

According to both parties, the unification of two major HIV/AIDS service organizations will allow for a wider range of services being offered to their clients, along with creating a more powerful force to improve the way our healthcare system treats those living with chronic diseases.

Cicilline, a longtime supporter of AIDS Project Rhode Island, said he was "extremely pleased that two of Rhode Island's most respected AIDS service organizations will be under one roof, reducing operating costs and ultimately better serving their current and future clients."

To that end, the organizations will focus on prevention education, especially in the schools, as well as advocacy and case management.

"Our goal is for all APRI services, programs and staff to remain with APRI and all our current clients to keep their current case or support staff managers," says Al Wroblewski, APRI former Executive Director who will remain in a leadership position.

by Joe Siegel

Joe Siegel has written for a number of other GLBT publications, including In newsweekly and Options.

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