Celebrating 9 Passionate, Sensual and Sentimental Queer Celebs for Cancer Season

Andrea Marks Joseph READ TIME: 7 MIN.

Rebecca Black

Cancerians are known for their loyal, caring qualities, but, of course, they contain multitudes. The other side of those Cancerian qualities is that they can easily be sparked into a bad mood, sometimes even vindictiveness. These qualities make for a complex person, and incredible music! It's clear from the epic visuals and strong energy in Rebecca Black's music that she's able to channel the wild, intense emotions she feels into music that's both moody and magnificent. The hardworking Cancerian spirit is clear in the way this queer artist – who persevered after an overwhelming response from the public when she released "Friday" as a thirteen-year-old – has come back stronger, cooler, and with adoration for the queer community, who never wavered in support for her, even when it felt like the whole world turned against her. That's family.

Laith Ashley

Laith Ashley embodies the Cancerian homebody energy. He travels for work as a model and actor, and knows the importance of home comforts: A soft couch and his fluffy dog. Laith Ashley, who played the love interest in Taylor Swift's "Lavender Haze" music video, was the first trans man to be featured in a Diesel campaign, and the first out trans member of the Pit Crew in "RuPaul's Drag Race." Cancerians are never afraid to stand up for themselves or others. We've seen that in Laith's defiant posts even in the face of hate in his comments. There's not much a fun thirst trap can't improve! Cancerians are tenacious, and this quality shines through as they build their career. Once there's a goal they are passionate about, they'll work day and night to achieve it in the way they imagined. We can't wait to see the next moves in Laith's dream as it unfolds, and we look forward to the fitness updates along the way.

Chrishell Stause

Cancerians are ruled by the inner compass that is their intuition, which points them in kind, compassionate directions like choosing to support and protect their loved ones without question. One of the qualities we love most about Chrishell is the joyful way she leaned into her love story with nonbinary musician G Flip, and the fierce support she shows them on "Selling Sunset," whether it's their pronouns or the relationship story that comes up in conversation. Chrishell cares enough to put her reputation and friendships on the line to make the people she loves feel seen and safe. It's an honor to be loved by a Cancerian, and it's a joy to witness that love, even from afar.

Lauren Jauregui

Cancerians take pride in their work because it's made from the heart, and because they feel they owe it to themselves and their audience that the art be the best it can be. For Lauren Jauregui, it's both the music and the message behind it that matters. The breathtakingly beautiful singer (whose voice is indescribably sultry and sexy!) is equally passionate about her music and activism, always encouraging her fans and friends to educate themselves on issues that will make the world a safer place for all. The multi-talented artist and badass bisexual released the seductive song "Burning" earlier this year as "an ode to my queerness and the unapologetic nature with which I embrace it regardless of my Catholic upbringing." That's that Cancerian espresso!

Mad Tsai

Cancerians make great friends! They're excellent listeners, knowing exactly when to diffuse tension with a self-deprecating joke or some silliness that will make you smile. They're also in tune with you in those moments when emotions run wild and you need to vent to make sense of the feeling. Queer pop musician Mad Tsai has channeled all this natural Cancerian energy into fun, emotional queer art! His music and videos strike the perfect balance of horny, humor, and heartbreak – all the makings of a gay pop star. Cancerians often get swept up in the fairytale-esque ideas of romance that they dreamed of when they were younger, and in this regard Mad Tsai wears his heart on his sleeve. His playful songs and (young, hot, abs-filled!) visuals subvert straight culture, making it all gloriously queer. We love this talented Cancerian for his signature queer pop, playful lyrics, catchy melodies, and the horny costume (or lack thereof) choices for the men in his music videos.

Aubrey Plaza

Cancerians often radiate a tranquil energy by being very "in the moment," making you feel seen and heard, and in actor Aubrey Plaza's case, observed in nuances for her unique character work. The quirky bisexual actor's Cancerian qualities enrich her performances and dry sense of humor. The "Parks and Recreation," "Scott Pilgrim vs The World," and "The White Lotus" star is gorgeous, captivating, and a stellar comic. We love that her career has crossed genres while always instilling her trademark dark-comedy and stunning beauty. It's clear that she has the Cancerian work-hard play-hard spirit, and we love her for it!

by Andrea Marks Joseph

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