Anti-Gay Scott Lively Redefines the 'Q' in 'LGBTQ,' Calling it 'ReQruitment'


Scott Lively has spent decades promoting homophobic ideas. He is "best-known for co-writing the thoroughly discredited, Holocaust revisionist book 'The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party' (1995), which claims that the Nazi party was full of gay men who, because of their 'savagery,' were able to carry out the Holocaust," writes the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Additionally, the SPLC writes, "In 2007, he co-founded the virulently anti-gay Watchmen on the Walls, an organization currently active more in Eastern Europe than the U.S. More recently, he got a new claim to fame when he presented his virulent views about homosexuality at a 2009 anti-gay conference in Uganda that is widely believed to have played a role in the drafting of Uganda's notorious 'kill the gays' bill. Lively is president of Abiding Truth Ministries and director of Redemption Gate Mission Society, both currently based in Springfield, Mass."

He also ran a failed Massachusetts gubernatorial campaign in 2012 as an independent.

This week in a column for the virulent right-wing publication World News Daily (WND), Lively attempts to be clever with the meaning of 'LGBTQ,' the popular acronym to describe the queer community by saying the 'Q' stands for 'reQruits,' PinkNews writes.

In his column, Lively attempts to link the equality movement with "Cultural Marxism and the conquering army of Dem and RINO co-conspirators." Adding: "Virtually every clear-thinking, freedom-loving person in the world recognizes that the increasingly universal, increasingly mandatory celebration of same-sex attraction disorder is a kind of ideological tyranny."

He also dismisses the widely-held meaning of the "Q" in "LGBTQ" as being "Queer." Instead, he says calls it "Questioning." And is the category best described as locating the "prime candidates for recruitment into the LGBT army."

He writes: " 'Q' effectively stands for 'ReQruits,' and serves the same function for the Marxist faith that the term 'seeker sensitivity' serves for the Christian faith – a system for and emphasis on attracting new members.

"To be clear, by 'recruiting' I primarily mean encouraging impressionable young people to experiment with same-sex conduct with each other. That is the implied and sometimes express purpose of adding 'Q' to 'LGBT' when used by advocates of sexual conduct outside of monogamous heterosexual marriage."

He concludes that because "Q" is code for recruitment, it should never be used when describing the queer community because, in doing so, someone is actively helping in the recruiting process.

"And it is why I advise everyone who cares about the moral, emotional, physical and spiritual health of young people never to add 'Q' to 'LGBT' when referencing the coalition of people with same-sex attraction disorder and/or gender-identity disorder. To do so enlists you in the recruitment process whether you intend it to or not."

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