While Marching in DC, Proud Boys Trolled by Gays, Cats and Pancake Lovers on Twitter


On Saturday the Proud Boys joined a few thousand supporters of President Trump's denial of his loss in the election in what was erroneously labeled the "Million MAGA March."

But while they were marching, members of the LGBTQ community trolled them on Twitter. "In an attempt to drown out videos, pictures and information about the protests, people mocked Proud Boys by using their name literally and reclaiming it as a sense of gay pride. They sarcastically wrote in their support for the march by sharing GIFs and pictures that appear to show support for the LGBTQ+ community," reports Newsweek.

"People also added the #MillionMAGAMarch or variations of the hashtag to also flood the general protest's Twitter feed," Newsweek adds.

The movement to appropriate the Proud Boys label on social media began when activist and actor George Takei wrote the following to his considerable social media feed: "What if gay guys took pictures of themselves making out with each other or doing very gay things, then tagged themselves with #ProudBoys. I bet it would mess them up real bad," he wrote.

Since then, a Twitter account called with the handle @ProudBoysUS was created to reclaim the term as an LGBTQ+ inclusive term. According to Twitter, the account joined in August 2018 and has over 44,000 followers, Newsweek adds.

"The Proud Boys are a queer, pan-gender, multi-cultural organization who will not apologize for our space in the modern world," the account's bio says.

And there are also pics of cats and pancakes flooding Twitter to further dilute the Proud Boys' message.

"Some people also shared crossovers with the gay pride posts by sharing stacks of pancakes that were colored to look like the LGBT pride flag," writes Newsweek.

"Other people also used the pancake meme to amplify President-elect Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 election. One person shared a photo of Biden in what appears to be a diner with a plate of flapjacks in front of him. Another person shared a tasty-looking plate of 'blueberry pancakes to celebrate blue states.' "

Reporting on Saturday's "Million MAGA March," the Associated Press confirms that attendance at the pro-Trump rally fell well below the its moniker's promise. "Several thousand supporters of President Donald Trump in Washington protested election results and then hailed Trump's passing motorcade before nighttime clashes with counterdemonstrators sparked fistfights, at least one stabbing and at least 20 arrests."

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