IndieGoGo Campaign for First Scripted Lez Punk Rock Series, 'Venus Flytrap'


A new IndieGoGo campaign by Zami Girl Stories is raising funds to film "Venus Flytrap!," the first digital scripted series about women in rock. Venus Flytrap is�a band of young women intent on grabbing rock and roll by the balls in the land of Trumpistan. So far, they have raised $19,350 toward their $50,000 goal.

Organizers describe it as "'Fearless Girl' staring down 'Charging Bull' on Wall Street with guitars. It's Pussy Grabs Back in a queer-centric�provocative show whose time has come. The punk feminist 'Venus Flytrap' and their various cohorts will disrupt the entertainment status quo with their unique brand of comedy, anarchy, music and mayhem. We're totally going for it, lady-balls out and on fire!"

Other shows like "Vinyl" and "Flight of the Conchords" focus on male rockers. Why are the women always groupies, roadies, singing girl-group femmes or facilitators to the guys? The missing female musical rebellion that has always been here will rise again through "Venus Flytrap's" catalysts: punk rockers Tink(erbelle), Joey, Tasha, and Dee.

Shae Padilla plays guitarist Joey Camarrari, master shredder. As Joey, she's Tink's loyal second-in-command and riff-meister of the band. She's also in love with Tink, lead singer played by Every Heart. This feminist punk flips on a dime from Bambi to Godzilla. They call her the Jeanne d'Arc of the New Women's Army.

Bass player Tasha Blanco is played by Priscilla Escobar. She's an in-demand, heart-thumpin' bassists whose low tones will set your crown chakra on fire! She's in love with her cross-dressing boyfriend, Dandy Lion of The Pornimals. And then there's drummer Dee Morrison, played by Patty Anne Miller. She's a rising star, ladykiller and rhythm pimp. Her beats will flip you into new moves on the dance floor, all while she's simultaneously poaching your lady.

And don't forget the special roles and cameos by the likes of Margaret Cho, Asia Argento, Lydia Lunch, Nic Harcourt, Silas Howard, Zoe Hansen, Guinevere Turner, Jerry Stahl, Alice Bag, Donita Sparks, Julie Goldman, Rosemary Hochschild, Camille Grenier, Beth Lapides, Gail Ann Dorsey, and Beeny Royston.

We'll watch�VFT navigate a world of dysfunctional families, sexualities, rival bands and eccentric managers trying to push them into absurd�concepts and styles in an attempt to snag the tarnished golden ring of rock glory. Guest appearances by artists/bands (contemporary and from punk and no wave's glory days) will abound --�the older generation of legendary wild women will show up as grannies, mothers, and managers. The�VFT series will�raise all�hell about�politricks, take down the commercial recording industry�and shame the cultural gatekeepers while�fighting the tyranny of our present days.

"What beats at the heart of this�Kali-esque beauty-beast? Rock's lost the essence of protest�and the absence�of a gender-bending revolutionary 'fuck you' spirit in contemporary music. The moment is ripe for female insurgency in art again," write creator Adele Bertei and producer Natalie Hill. "Help Venus Flytrap become the very first scripted series on the map�about a band of female punk rockers. Support us as we�show the world how women have always held a crucial space within rock's freedom cry and still do today, with a ball-breaking rebel yell. And sign on�for our updates.�We'll be�rolling�out scorching little videos to push you over the brink and into a pledge!"

There are numerous donation points, each with gift items. For $5o, you'll get the Binge & Brag package, including stickers, a download, emails and your name on the website. For $100 the HarryEt The Sly package gives you all of that plus Behind the Scenes downloads and four special items. For $150, you'll get a Thank You Video From VTF, recorded just for you. If you've got deep pockets, you can even score dinner with the actors and director, or be an extra in the web series.

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