NOW-NYC Protests Fox News Demanding Bill O'Reilly Be Fired


Yesterday, NOW-NYC members and sexual assault survivors gathered at Fox News headquarters, along with ally organizations Ultraviolet and Color of Change, calling on Rupert Murdoch to take decisive action and fire Bill O'Reilly following revelations of a pattern of sexual harassment complaints against the talk show host over a 15-year period.

In a statement, Sonia Ossorio, President of NOW New York vowed to keep the pressure on:

"Whether it's the President of the United States, who has talked openly about grabbing women, or a television personality who has been shielded by his corporation for years, it is up to us to hold sexual harassers accountable. If we don't, then we are failing every woman who has been victimized."

"Trump may be fine with defending Bill O'Reilly, but we are definitely not," said Ossorio. "O'Reilly's vacation from Fox News should be a permanent one. If the talk show host is allowed to return to the set, Fox News executives will be rewarding a serial harasser and conveying to its employees that sexual harassment is just part of the job at Fox News."

NOW-NYC advocates for the women and girls of our New York, by working to defend reproductive rights, fight economic inequality, and end discrimination and violence against women. As the largest NOW chapter in the country, we aim to shape both the local and national debate on issues that impact women.

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