Dining Out For Life To Commemorate World AIDS Day With 360 Degree Video


On World AIDS Day, December 1, "Project Runway All Stars" winner and Dining Out For Life spokesperson Mondo Guerra will reveal a 360-degree video designed to emphasize the power of Pozitivity while fostering hope and inspiration for people infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.

Guerra approached this World AIDS Day project with the idea that we respond to situations based on how we perceive them. "With these designs, I hope to demonstrate the idea that reality is a fluid concept," said Guerra. "What we perceive as real is often defined by preconceived notions, attitudes and other influences. When I was first diagnosed with HIV, I could have chosen to see my status as devastating -- and respond accordingly. Instead, I made a conscious choice to live with HIV in ways that challenge and inspire me both as an artist and as an advocate."

Guerra will present the second generation of his acclaimed Pozitivity print as part of a 90-second video that will reveal 62 newly created images, each representing an AIDS Service Organization licensee of the annual Dining Out For Life fundraiser, for which Guerra is a national spokesperson.

"Artistically, I am inspired to pay homage to those who work tirelessly helping others affected by HIV/AIDS," he noted.

Marketing agency "15 Minutes" Inc. utilized a 360-degree video application on a montage of Guerra's illustrations because the format allows viewers to change the angle of the imagery, altering their perception of the designs. For Guerra, an HIV-positive artist, this feature symbolizes the choices each of us has in how we view and respond to life's circumstances.

"Living with HIV and developing a long-term wellness plan with my doctors has changed my perceptions on life," said Guerra. "I now choose to live each and every day with a positive spirit, and I'm positive that I am better for it. That's the power of Pozitivity that I hope to share."

Brett Klein, President of the Dining Out For Life International Board of Directors, said, "We are fortunate to have the support of our volunteer spokespeople, and are especially grateful for Mondo's advocacy on behalf of our family of HIV/AIDS Service Organizations and the millions of people living with or impacted by HIV/AIDS that they serve."

Subaru of America, a longtime supporter of HIV/AIDS health education and awareness initiatives and a decade-long national sponsor of Dining of For Life, commissioned Guerra to create the World AIDS Day tribute.

"We are proud to be the Host Sponsor of Dining Out For Life and to mark World AIDS Day with continued support of the millions of people living with HIV," stated Subaru of America President and COO, Thomas J. Doll. "Subaru believes we should all have a chance to lead a healthy life and aims to give as many people that chance as we can."

Guerra captured the hearts of fans around the world when he first revealed his HIV-positive status and the first generation of Pozitivity as a textile design on "Project Runway" (Season 8). Aside from Guerra, volunteer Dining Out For Life spokespeople include Ted Allen, host of Food Network's "Chopped," actor Pam Grier ("Foxy Brown," "Jackie Brown") and author/chef Daisy Martinez. The annual HIV/AIDS fundraiser is hosted in 62 cities across North America and takes place in most markets on Thursday, April 27, 2017.

Dining Out For Life began in Philadelphia in 1991 and has since grown into an international event held in cities across North America -- raising an average $4 million annually. The idea behind the single-day event is simple and effective: Dine Out, Fight AIDS. Each restaurant donates a percentage of the day's food sales, which goes to local organizations to fund care, prevention, education, testing, counseling and other essential HIV/AIDs services.

At 12 p.m. EST on November 30, Guerra will talk about his Pozitivity World AIDS Day Project on Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/LoveMondo/. Tune in to ask him questions about the project.


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