Lena Dunham Wins Halloween as Trump's 'Pussy'


And the winner for Halloween 2016 goes to Lena Dunham for her humorous personification of the most horrifying quote of the year -- "Grab 'em by the pussy."

Taking inspiration from the notorious 2005 "Access Hollywood" tape in which GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump bragged about sexual assault, claiming that as a celebrity women would let him "grab 'em by the pussy," Dunham, clad in a leotard with dime store cat accessories and strategically placed hands, was the literal embodiment of the quote.

"Happy Halloween! With love from a Grabbed P-y" Dunham wrote on Instagram.

"I know that hearing those words was painful for everybody," Dunham told People. "I think women, and people of color, and Muslims who have been searched at the airport, and trans people who have been denied their rights all know what it feels like to have their body taken from them. Those comments aren't just about women -- they were about everyone whose body is treated like the property of other people."

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