NY Tour Monkey Offers Song-by-Song Stroll Through Hamilton's Life


NY Tour Monkey launched a new walking tour this month based on the hit musical "Hamilton." Dubbed "Hamilton the Tour," it follows song by song Hamilton's rise and eventual fall as New York's foremost Founding Father.

Aimed at those who have seen or plan to see the Broadway production, as well as those addicted to the soundtrack, the tour places the songs, history and Lower Manhattan location into perspective.

"Lin-Manuel Miranda's play is an impressionistic masterpiece. The goal is to help folks connect the artistic and historical dots," New York Tour Monkey's partner Chazz Adler said. Chazz feels that by providing historical insight and detail, lyrical passages such as 'I am not throwing away my shot" take on a deeper meaning for tour participants. And by standing on the actual spot that "The Room Where It Happens" occurred, connects you to the play in a highly visceral way.

The tour lasts two hours and fifteen minutes and covers just under two miles. The cost is $49 per person. Stops include the site of King's College, Hamilton's funeral route, "The Room Where It Happened," and Hamilton's last residence in New York, where he wrote his last will and testament. The tour also visits Hamilton's wife Eliza, and her sister Angelica's final resting places in the Trinity Church graveyard.

The company will also be offering a student version beginning in October. It will include a teacher's guide with quizzes and suggested pre and post-tour discussion points.

"Hamilton the Tour" is a product of NY Tour Monkey, a boutique tour operator based in New York City. NYTM specializes in private SUV tours and specialized public tours. It has been in operation for three years. Its "Founding Fathers" are Chazz Adler and J. Americus Squires, both five-star, licensed New York tour guides.

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