Trump Says He Wants to 'Hit' DNC Speakers Who Made Fun of Him


Violence among Trump supporters is well-documented. From a recent incident in June where a photographer was bloodied by a thrown rock at a rally in Las Vegas, back to October 2015 when a group of immigration activists were shoved and spat on at a rally in Richmond, Virginia. So it should come as little surprise that Donald himself has expressed desire to knock a few heads himself.

According to a CNN report, the billionaire reality star turned politician was pretty miffed after hearing speeches at this week's Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Miffed enough to say that he wanted to "hit a number of those speakers so hard, their heads would spin."

"They'd never recover," he said.

"I was going to hit one guy in particular, a very little guy," Trump said to laughs at a campaign rally in Davenport, Iowa. "I was going to hit this guy so hard his head would spin, he wouldn't know what the hell happened."

And while Trump will likely laugh off his threats of violence as being "sarcastic" (as he did his comment encouraging Russia to hack rival Hillary Clinton's emails), he has had a history of condoning violence from among his supporters.

In November, 2015 an African-American protester at a Trump rally in Birmingham, Alabama was punched, kicked and briefly choked according to the Washington Post. Trump would later defend the crowd's actions, saying "maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing."

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