Hillary to Receive Endorsement From Key New York LGBT Pols


As Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders' campaign continues to surge, his challenger, Hillary Clinton continues to hold firm on the LGBT vote.

The New York Daily News reports that several key LGBT political figures in the Big Apple are set to officially endorse Clinton's campaign for president on Tuesday. This follows last week's endorsement of her campaign by the Human Rights Campaign.

From state politics, Clinton is being backed by Sen. Brad Holyman (D-Manhattan), Debra Glick (D-Manhattan), Daniel O'Donnell (D-Manhattan), Matthew Titone (D-Staten Island) and western New York State Assemblyman Harry Bronson (D-Rochester).

Clinton is also receiving support by several LGBT New York City Council members including Daniel Dromm, Corey Johnson, Rosie Mendez, Jimmy Van Bramer and James Vacca, who recently came out as gay.

Of Clinton's checkered record on LGBT issues that included her reluctance to support same-sex marriage during her failed 2008 bid for the presidency, Titone said:

"I am glad Hillary Clinton has come around on LGBT issues. I am supporting her because I believe she will be the most capable in implementing an agenda that benefits all hard working families and the diverse people of our great nation."

Clinton's chief rival, Bernie Sanders, who touts himself as a longtime supporter of LGBT rights, made a subtle slam to Clinton in a May 2015 piece published in The New York Times where he said "I'm not evolving when it comes to gay rights. I was there!"

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