Kim Davis: I Am 'Just The First Of What's Going To Be Very Many'


Like a bad check, an annoying relative, or an unwanted persistent infection,Kim Davis is back.

Earlier in December, Kim Davis, the Rowan County Clerk whose 15 minutes of fame refuses to end, took to the airwaves in an interview with the Catholic TV Network EWTN. Davis, who spent a few nights at the County Jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, warned that she was "just the first of what's going to be very many."

"The stand I took affects every church, every person that lives and loves God, that holds the word of God precious and dear and intimate in their lives," Davis told EWTN's Catherine Szeltner in an interview broadcast on December 17. "I'm just the first of what's going to be very many. You can rest assured of that. And it's not if it happens, it'll be when it happens. And maybe my stand will encourage others who will be in the same position."

Davis told Szeltzner that her stint in the hoosegow getting her three free hots and a cot was a "joyful and peaceful time." She also said that she "knows that it is a possibility" that she'll return.

H/T - Right Wing Watch

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