Chelsea Manning Calls Caitlyn Jenner 'Grinch Who Sold Out Trans Movement'


Former U.S. solider and convicted national security leaker Chelsea Manning took to Twitter on Christmas Eve to lambaste Caitlyn Jenner, calling her a "grinch" who "sold out" the trans movement.

Her post, which was sent to her 68,000 followers, received 655 likes and 466 retweets.

This isn't the first time Jenner has been called out for the involvement with the trans community.

In November a group of transgender activists confronted the reality TV star, with one protester yelling over the loudspeaker: "You are an insult to trans people, you are an insult to women."

Activists have criticized Jenner's role as one of the most visible trans people in the world. The former Olympic champ made headlines when she shared her lukewarm feelings about marriage equality with Ellen DeGeneres. More recently, it was reported Jenner, who told Diane Sawyer on her "20/20" interview this summer that she's a Republican, said none of the 2016 Democratic presidential hopefuls "convinced me" after she watched a recent debate.

Manning made headlines for leaking about 750,000 confidential military documents to the website WikiLeaks. She was found guilty of a number of charges, including aiding the enemy in 2013 and was sentenced to 35 years in prison.

After she was sentenced, Manning started her gender transition.

Though Manning recently called out Jenner, it was reported in August she was placed in solitary confinement for having the now-infamous copy of the Vanity Fair magazine that had Jenner on the cover.

[H/T The Mirror]

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