Bristol Palin Calls Critics 'Giddy A$$holes,' Denies Being Abstinence Spokesperson


Is memory loss a side effect of a self-publicized pregnancy? If your name is Bristol Palin, it is.

In a scathing post published on her blog Sunday, Palin calls out critics for raising eyebrows over her second out of wedlock pregnancy, declaring that the little miracle was planned. She further claims that she was never an ambassador for abstinence, even though she, well, was.

"So here are the things you should all get straight before you continue to mock me, judge me, and talk about me," Palin writes. "None of us are�perfect. I made a mistake, but it's not the mistake all these giddy a$$holes have loved to assume. This pregnancy was actually planned."

The second bomb dropped in Palin's post was a real head scratcher.

"Let's get another thing straight," she continues. "Because I can't tolerate all the talk on this subject.�I have never been paid as an 'abstinence spokesperson.' I was employed by the great people at The Candies Foundation. [..] I worked for them when I was 18 and 19 - when I�could share first-hand the challenges of being a teen mother."

According to the 2011 report in Forbes , 2009 tax records for the Candie's Foundation reveal that Palin was paid a salary of $262,500. A further look into their tax records show that while the non-profit spent over a quarter of a million on Palin's services, they also spent $165,000 on advertising. Only $35,000 of their budget was granted out to teen pregnancy health and counseling clinics.

And if she wasn't plugging abstinence while working for Candie's, what was she doing there?

Watch her not plug abstinence here.


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