Roundup: Top 5 Ridiculous Comments From Values Voter Summit

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 6 MIN.

Over the weekend, ultra conservatives from around the country flocked to Washington, D.C., to attend the 2014 Values Voter Summit, presented by the SPLC designated anti-gay hate group Family Research Council. And of course, there were several ridiculous remarks made by everyone from Sarah Palin to the National Organization's president, Brain Brown.

Below, we've rounded up the top five most outrageous comments made at the VVS.

05. Mat Staver: I Love My Haters

Mat Staver, the head of the Liberty Counsel, was not happy about a letter sent by People For the American Way, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and five other civil right / LGBT right organizations to the Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus, asking the GOP to not participate in the VVS over anti-gay sponsors, i.e.: the Liberty Counsel.

In his speech, Staver said he doesn't like being labeled as an anti-gay extremist, Right Wing Watch reports. Straver, however, has a long record of making anti-gay remarks. Still, the letter really struck a nerve and said he was upset that he was being attacked for believing "in God's natural created order of male and and female and marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

"For me believing in something that is that obvious," he added. "I am considered by some groups to be a hater. But I hate no one. I hate no one, but I believe in God's truth and I will not be silent in the face of intimidation."

04. Jerry Johnson: Obama is Snubbing Straight People By Using 'LGBT'

President of the National Religious Broadcasters, Jerry Johnson, feels like straight folks have got it hard because President Barack Obama insists on using the term "LGBT," which as you probably know stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender.

Johnson, who closed out the "Marriage in America" panel at the VVS this weekend, said youths who are voting to support same-sex marriage to be on "the right side of history" got it backwards as they should be supporting marriage bans, Right Wing Watch points out.

He then came down on Obama for using the term "LGBT" because he's ignoring straight people. They never get any attention anyway.

"He never says 'gay and straight' any more, now it's 'LGBT.' Straight is not even in that mix," Johnson said. "That's an interesting point."

03. NOM's Brian Brown: Anti-Gay Marriage Support Isn't Killing GOP

National Organization for Marriage's Brian Brown recently said that the group will never ever stop trying to ban marriage equality around the country (even if same-sex marriage becomes a federal law) and during his speech at the VVS, Brown insisted that defending gay marriage bans isn't hurting the GOP, Right Wing Watch reports.

"It's not our fault" that GOP candidates lose elections, Brown said. "You cannot blame social conservatives for lost elections."

Right. That's why are leaders are populated by Santorum, Romney, Palin and Bachmann.

02. Alan 'Duck Dynasty' Robertson Blames Satan for Criticism on Father, Poor Ratings

That's right. "Duck Dynasty" family member Alan Robertson said at the VVS that it's Satan's fault that his father Phil Robertson was harshly criticized and that the A&E reality show has had poor ratings - not because Phil Robertson made anti-gay and racist statements.

Right Wing Watch points out Alan Robertson said "the Evil One" wants to "Derail [his] message" about "a return to godliness."

"We're talking about undergoing that change and trying to help other people see that because now you realize we've got generations of people in our nation that really don't understand godliness at any level, they don't know," he said.

01. The Benham Twins Compare Themselves to ISIS Victims

Do you even remember the Benham twins? The two brothers caused controversy earlier this year when their Home & Gardens TV program was nixed after reports surfaced that one of the twins made anti-gay comments and other remarks about abortion and Muslims.

Well, David and Jason Benham are back this week with making one of the most outrageous comments during the VVS: they've compared themselves to the beheaded victims of the terrorist group ISIS, Right Wing Watch notes.

During their speech, they talked about the loss of their HGTV show, and argued that just like how ISIS beheads victims with a sword, progressive groups "silence" conservatives. RWW reports Jason Benham compared himself and his brother David to Jesus. David Benham later said Christians in America are facing persecutions just like Christians in the Mideast.

"There is a radical agenda that has come in our nation," David Benham said. "The weapon of choice for the agenda in the Middle East is a sword, but the weapon of choice for the agenda in America is silence. They demand silence."

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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