Punk Band Shoots Porn on Westboro Baptist Church's Lawn

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Porn, punk and piety converged this week in Topeka, Kan., when members of the punk rock band Get Shot! filmed a pornographic segment featuring one of their band members naked and committing the sin of Onan on the lawn of the virulently anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church.

A press release published on the Sacramento, Calif., based punk band's Facebook page states:

"Topeka, KS - It was a nice sunny day just before noon in the small but well known city of Topeka when punk rock band, Get Shot! from California arrived at the Westboro Baptist Church to film their bass player, Laura Lush masturbate on their front lawn, completely naked.

"The Phelps family and Westboro Baptist Church are ridiculous and do nothing except spread hate and cause controversy. As a bisexual woman and the bass player of a ridiculous punk band, I wanted to spread my legs and cause controversy." - Laura Lush, Get Shot!

Completely disregarding Westboro's surveillance cameras, armed security and the state's strict obscenity laws, Get Shot! successfully avoided arrest or confrontation.

"There was a lot of traffic and we saw a few cops at a coffee shop a few blocks away. We barely had enough gas money and cocaine to make it to Denver for our next concert. Since we can't afford bail, we had to cut it a little short before the cops got called. If someone will bail us out, we will bring a group of girls and a whole camera crew when we come back in a few months" - J.P. Hunter, Get Shot!

Get Shot! are no strangers to law enforcement and say they have spotted undercover police officers at their concerts to see if public indecency or drug use occur on stage. The band recently started a free porn site, GETSHOTGIRLS.COM, where the uncensored Westboro video can be viewed.

Get Shot! sent a tweet to Shirley Phelps-Roper of WBC requesting footage of the surveillance video because it probably caught a few good angles that the band couldn't achieve due to the wrought iron fence surrounding the church.

Presumably traffic to the Get Shot! website to view the video must be heavy. Several attempts to reach the punk band's website yielded this result:

"Service Temporarily Unavailable -- The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later."

Fortunately, the good folks at Gawker.com got hold of the video, which can be viewed here.

Warning! If you're watching this in your office, you'll probably want to close your door.

by Bobby McGuire

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